It's good to see you up and about again. Our preliminary scouting attemts have been interupted by te Pfhor. Several fast-attack landing pods landed on the Marauder, but we have repulsed most of the invaders. You have been assigned to assist in clearing out the ships enginering section. Alien infestation is fairly high here, so be careful. We have allerted all the troops we could to assist you. Expect to meet up with at least five other Marines.
We have little information on the alien ship, but the ship's scaners will hopefully be able to shed some light on the situation. The Marauders AI in charge of security and weapons, Duncan, will breif you on what we have available to battle the aliens. Expect to hear from him, along with reports from our scans, shortly. I will have him inform you as to how it is that you came abord the Marauder. Be careful.
#checkpoint 2
There is a pattern buffer located next to your current location. I suggest that you use it immediately.
#checkpoint 6
After you cleared the area, be prepared to begin your next mission immediatly.